PRAY THE 54-DAY MIRACLE NOVENA for God’s Blessing in the Coming Election
The time is now to pray for the Presidential Election and our Country. With Covid-19, the shutdown of the economy, and turmoil and looting in cities, it is easy to see that we are living in turbulent times. We have been turned upside down with the wearing of masks, closing of schools and many cancellations. We don’t know when this will end or what is coming next. The up coming election is a point in time that may lead to further distress.
We know that as Christians, we can trust in God to take care of us. We also know that we need to ask for His help. Let’s put this into God’s hands by praying the 54-Day Miracle Novena. This 54-Day Miracle Novena is powerful and has a deep history of positive outcome. This Novena was first given to a young girl named Fortuna Agrelli by the Blessed Mother in 1884. Why a 54 day Novena? The 54 days are made up of three novenas of Rosary in petition (27 days), and three novenas for thanksgiving (27 days).
Please watch the videos, and print out the flyers to distribute, and tell your family and friends to pray for the Presidental Election. You can also go to the Queen of Peace Web Site to sign up for daily reminders. The 54-Day Miracle Novena takes place : AUGUST 15 THROUGH OCTOBER 7, 2020.
Please join us in Praying for the Presidential Election!